Memoirs of a haishya: June 2005

Friday, June 24, 2005



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結構いい映画だった。見た後、なんか見てよかったっていう感じがした。Image hosted by
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Thursday, June 23, 2005


この前ブラジルに勝てそうもなかったって言った。結局、日本は勝たなかった。でも負けなかった。頑張っただろう。世界のサッカー王者のブラジルと引き分け た。すごいな。惜しいな。もう少しでブラジルに勝って、準決勝に入るところだ。日本はすごい戦いの精神を見せてくれた。拍手してあげよう。来年のワールド カップもこんな精神で戦えば、準決勝までいけそうだ。

anyway my elder brother has been hospitalised! so sad~ so many depressing things are happening recently. Japan are out of Confederation Cup, is a good example. sigh. anyway. so younger brother and i went to changi airport staff canteen airport to study today. oh well, it isn't the best place to study cuz the staff there will come chase us away. so we went to buy a drink each so that we won't be seen as using the place to study only. and after we finish drinking, my brother went to buy some food to eat. and after he finished, i went to buy food. in other words, we were trying to drag our eating time there. and then the funny part came.
the woman came over again and said for the umpteenth time,"sorry no studying allowed here."
my brother,"oh my brother's buying food. we are eating here."
the woman,"oh alright, please close your book then, no studying here."
omg, like what the hell? there were ppl reading newspapers there and even sleeping there. and the whole canteen was SO empty. what's the difference between reading newspapers and reading our notes/textbooks? haha so we left anyway and went to walk around the airport. ooooh nice place~.....
and after that, we went to the hospital to see my brother. and there was this woman who asked us (me and my younger brother) whether we were twins. haha no! we are not! our birthdays are two years apart! hmm and i wonder whether we really do look alike. people have been saying that. but i dunno. but i personally do not think so. u decide for youself~~

Monday, June 20, 2005



一方、こっちは完敗だ。なんかこの頃悲しいことだらけだね。試験に落ちたり、恋に落ちたり、チャンスはまた来るのか。未来は霧で隠されて何も見えないや。 このたびはずっと一人で行くか。「人間は歩けるから歩くのじゃなくて、一緒に歩いてくれる人がいるから歩いてゆく。」って昨日の試験の読解に出た。試験と いったら、いやだな。全然できなかった。やばいな。まさかこんな難しい問題が出たとは全然思わなかった。この前やった問題と比べて遥かにむずかった。どう する。どうするって言っても仕方ない。もう受けたから、成績を待つしかない。成績が悪くてもそれは運命だよな。勉強は勉強したけど、やっぱし人生はこうで すね。いつまでも自分の予想通り、物事が起こってくれるわけがない。まあ、たとえ成績がよくても、今度の成績は使えないだろう。大学に行くまで、ずいぶん 遠い。喜ぶか、悲しむか。いや、悲しみながら喜ぼう。

Friday, June 17, 2005


邪魔だ!さっき、ラッフルーズのカップルを大発見!まあ、あの女の子はよく男とふざけてるようだな。邪魔したくなかったけど、結局同じバスに乗ってしまっ た。そして、二人は同じバス停で降りて、もしかしたら、その女性か男性の家に行くかもね!何をしに行っただろうね。さらに、あの二人はそんなことができそ うな人だった。追いかけたかったけどな。でも「好奇心は猫殺し」ってか。


Thursday, June 16, 2005


今夜、メキシコ戦だ!たぶん見ないだろうが、日本チーム、最後まで応援してるよ!頑張れ!僕のように、まわりの友達を失望させないようにな!そういえば、 本当に、失望させたな。お母さん、家族の皆、友達、失望させてごめん。まあ、実力がなければ、どんなに頑張っても無理だよな。ふ?ん、いわば「下手なしゃ れはよしなしゃれ!」っていうか。今日も、あっという間に、過ぎてしまった。勉強もしなくて過ぎてしまった。速いな。。後二日しか残ってない。頑張らなく ちゃ。今度こそ失望させないぞ。

Wednesday, June 15, 2005


結局スピーチコンテストに入らなかった。まあ、予想通りってか、予想外ってか、入れると信じてたけどな、入ってみせるっていう気持ちだったからこそ、期待 が高かったから、失望した。最後のチャンスなのに、ちゃんとやらなかったかもね。今更後悔したところ、遅すぎるから、とりあえず、今のこと考えなくちゃ。 この間の夢や野望はまあ、夢に終わった。


Thursday, June 09, 2005


やったああ!日本代表!ドイツで会おう!日本は2-0で北朝鮮を破って、初めてドイツ大会の出場を決めたチームになった。やった ♪ やった ♪


Saturday, June 04, 2005


FT:バーレーン0-1日本 (小笠原満男34’)

alright, i shall blog in english for the first time. cuz it's quite hard to type out wad i want to say in jap. haha. anyway, japan won!! omg!! oh well, although it was all expected. oh man, did you see! did you see how japan was dominating the whole match, outclassing bahrain players in terms of skills and technique, and thrashing them in terms of possession! Oh my, japan had so so so many golden opportunities to score, but they couldn't grab them and chances went begging time and again. At least they ended their 199min goal drought, which they last scored two months ago, and the goal was none other than.... a Bahraini's own goal! hoho... after facing two consecutive defeats by Peru and United Arabs Emirates in the Kirin Cup, which puts Japan at the bottom of the group, Japan managed to hit back and kill Bahrain off with a superb Ogasawara's goal in the 34th minute! oh my my, i wonder why japan didn't play inamoto. hmm hmm, ono broke his ankle just one day ago, and things were really looking bad for japan. if they had lost this match, they might just miss out on the trip to Germany next year! How is that possible! How can Japan miss a World Cup?? 3 times Asian Cup Champions!

Although Bahrain had 4 shots compared t0 Japan's 0 shots in the 30th min, the 4 shots Bahrain had were like miles away from the goal and they seemed destined to be going towards the spectators. And just when the japanese players saw their beautiful and tremendous build up of pressure on bahrain go to waste time after time, Ogasawara stepped forward, faked a Bahraini Defender, and took a quick shot which sent the ball into the bottom left hand corner of the net! Oh man, how beautiful was that. That goal sent all the fans, and me, off my seat and jumping around in joy! At last, after seeing their string of 10,11 passes go to waste, they finally soared into a lead with a nice one-two between Ogasawara and Nakamura (was it him?) and poof! Goal!!! From then on, Bahrain seemed to have been killed off, and it was all-Japan. The Bahraini players couldn't even manage a proper pass, and before the ball could reach the halfway line, the ball will be intercepted by the Japs! how zai man...

And in particular, Nakata (Hidetoshi) was pulling all the strings for the Japanese attack. He is the MAN! Nakamura was doing all the stepovers and fooling the bahrain defenders. Santos was quick on the left as usual, and all that they needed was one deadly striker who can finish up the beautiful set up of play. Hmm... At the back, Kaji (Akira) was the heart of the defence, who made goalkeeper Kawaguchi's (Yoshikatsu) job simple- only to pick balls and take goal kicks! haha... but kawaguchi's mistake in the 40+min almost killed japan. thankfully it hit the post and was cleared away.

But! Nakata (Hidetoshi), Nakamura (Shunsuke) and Alessandro (Santos) all recieved yellow cards and will be suspended in the match against KitaChousen! (that's north korea). but the match will be played behind closed doors in Bangkok, following the violent behaviours of fans in the previous match. Oh well, North Korea have lost all their 4 games so far and have virtually no more chance of entering World Cup next year. So, Japan will probably thrash the lacklustre North Korea team next wednesday! Hopefully Ono (Shinji) will recover by then and join the first team squad with Inamoto, replacing Nakata and Nakamura.


Friday, June 03, 2005




Thursday, June 02, 2005



朝目が覚めると、後輩たちはもう日本に着いたはずだ。日本は楽しいかい。僕、どうして悲しいの。日本にいけなくて悲しいか。もうしゃべる相手はいなくて悲 しいか。まあ、どっちにしてもいいけど、とりあえず、日本で楽しんでねぇ。君たちの撮った写真と経験を持って戻って僕と分け合ってね。これは君たちの人生 だ。人生のこの一ページを美しく書いてね。自分の物語を楽しく書いてね。
